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Stop the madness and start saving . . .


money and the planet

Plastic Water Bottle Waste
Water Mechanics Dundas
Plastic Water Bottle Waste
Plastic Water Bottle Waste

When you get the Water Mechanics to design and install your water purification system or, you take advantage of our super-low cost water jug refilling program,  you'll get to enjoy pure fresh water at a fraction of the cost of store bought water - and you'll be helping save the environment from the single-bottle water industry. Just read some of the single-use bottled water facts below and decide for yourself if it's time to change your drinking water habits to include pure, fresh water from Water Mechanics.

Water flow



  • Bottled water can cost anywhere from 240 to 10,000 times more than tap water which is brought right to your home for a fraction of 1¢ ($ 0.01) per litre  

        (source: Natural Resources Defense Council)


  • More than 90% of the cost of bottled water is due to things other than the water itself, such as packaging, shipping and marketing.

         (source: Natural Resources Defense Council)



  • If you drink the recommended eight glasses of bottled water per day, you will spend roughly $1,400 per year on bottled water.

       (source: Polaris Institute)


  • Bottled water isn't always as safe as tap water – only 6% of bottled water factories were tested between April 2008 and March 2009.

        (source: Canwest News Service, March 26, 2009)


  • 27 out of 49 bottled water products have been recalled by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency since 2000. 

       (source: Polaris Institute)


  • Concentrations of contaminants such as arsenic, bromide, bacteria and lead have been found in bottled water samples. 

       (source: Polaris Institute)



  • Toronto consumes an estimated 100 million plastic bottles a year, of which 35% are not recycled. Many plastic bottles still end up in landfills, or worse, as litter in forests, lakes and oceans.

       (source: CBC News)


  • Plastic bottles take 700 years to begin composting.



  • It is estimated that one tenth of all plastic that is created every year eventually ends up in one of our oceans, including millions of plastic water bottles. 

         (source: The Independent Online)



  • The Earth Policy Institute estimates that the energy used to pump, process, transport and refrigerate bottled water is over 50 million barrels of oil annually.

         (source: Earth Policy Institute, February 2006)


  • Producing the plastic bottles consumes a huge amount of water too, it's estimated that it takes three litres of water to produce one litre of bottled water.

          (source: The Pacific Institute)


  • It also takes energy to fill the bottles; ship them by truck, train, boat or plane to the consumer; refrigerate them; and recover, recycle or dispose of the empty bottles. It's estimated that the total amount of energy used to provide a bottle of water to the consumer could be equal to filling 25 per cent of that bottle with oil.

         (source: The Pacific Institute)



Used water bottles
Bottled water factory
Contaminated bottled water

Frightening facts about

single-use bottled water

Cost of bottled water
water splash

Your Bottled Water Specialists

Water Mechanics Dundas filling station

Save Big Money

We make it easy for you to come in and fill up your water jugs. Our stores have ample parking right at our front doors. We can take payment for your water purchases on a per litre basis or set you up on our prepaid system. The choice is yours! When you pre-pay your water purchases you receive a discount and we record your purchase. This makes it far easier when you come into our stores to pick up your water in the future. Just walk into Water Mechanics, mention your name to one of our employees, your account information is retrieved and updated with the number of purchases you have prepaid, you fill your water jugs and leave. It's easy, quick and convenient and saves you money by buying the water "fills" in bulk.

    Hundreds of customers come to our store weekly to fill their water jugs with our delicious, pure, great tasting reverse-osmosis water and to save money! Compare the price of our water to how much you pay at chain and food stores and you quickly realize that we offer huge savings. Compare our water prices to what you pay for the small bottles of water by the case and the savings are even bigger, not to mention you eliminate the waste of getting rid of all those empty water bottles.


Water Mechanics Dundas Logo
Water jug filling

Come on in - the water is GREAT !

Super-Pure Water

We take our local municipal, utility grade water and further purify it by softening, removing all the chemicals, putting the water through our high volume reverse-osmosis systems and then, before we let our customers dispense this great tasting super-pure water into their water jugs we pass the water through an Ultra-Violet disinfection system to make sure the water is 100% bacteria free. Then we treat the water with ozone to ensure the water stays bacteria free for you.

U-Fill or Personal Service

Our friendly and professional staff are here to help you with your water purchase. Whether it's to show you how to rinse and fill your water jugs or to carry your water jugs to your car for you. To enhance the whole "great drinking water experience" we have a great line of water coolers available for purchase in many configurations as well as all kinds of water accessories ranging from fridge jugs and pet water dishes to bottle cradles to keep your water bottles from rolling around the trunk of your car.

Refillable water jug
Refillable water jug
Refillable water jug
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